Southwest Michigan's
First and Finest
Non-Medical Home Care Service
THE BEST CARE IS HOMEMADE! In-Home care for your loved one!
Dear Applicant,
The Job Application process is simple enough to start! Please click on the "SHC Job Application Request Form" and take a minute to fill it out and submit it. After receipt, we will contact you for the initial interview and then you would be directed to complete the full SHC Job Application (link posters below).
...or, take some time to complete/submit the full application posted below.
The complete Stay Home Companions' Job Application is comprehensive, divided into 14 specific areas. Some areas are joined on one page to facilitate easier application on your part. Print the pages, fill them out and submit them via fax, email, mail or in-person to our office. Please call the office after a reasonable amount of time to ensure it has been received and nothing else is needed. If available, be able to provide a copy of your resume.
Mailing Address:
Stay Home Companions, INC
14790 M89
page 1: Applicant Instructions. Basic Information
page 2: Address info, Emergency Contact
(The Job Application pages are presented in PDF format. If you have the capability to edit and send the pages via email, feel free to do so. Some mobile phone or tablet devices allow that feature.
Also, most devices including PCs will allow you to print all the pages or only select pages if needed.)
page 3: Education level, High School, Vocational School
page 4: College(s), degrees achieved
page 5: Security information
page 6: Drivers License, driving experience, vehicle info
page 9: Personal References
page 10: Employment History, references
page 11: Job related skills
page 12: Certification and Release with Signature